Saturday, March 16, 2013


----- Do people really believe that taxing the rich will solve our fiscal problems?  Wait.  I guess they do.  That was what Obama was preaching.

----- Without economic growth, everything stops!  Without economic growth, there is no funding!
Without economic growth, no Federal debt has the slightest possibility of ever being paid off.

----- Well, now.   The Left  has accomplished another "phase" of its desire to bring America to its view of a Utopian world.  Why is this?  Simple.  American voters who make under $30,000 a year
voted for Barrack Obama 60% to 30%.  These people voted for a Nanny State over Capitalism.  They want "stuff".  They want freebies.  It is the "new" culture.

Western Europe, here we come!

----- Why do all Democracies eventually die?  Because Liberals always get their way.  Sometimes it just takes longer.  We are seeing the same thing right now in America.  We have to fight.

----- Obama wants an economic system like China has.  Where the Government (Communist) runs the economy, but lets the people own some property and do all the work.

----- Exactly one day after he was sworn in for his second term, Obama and his cohorts went after
the Second Amendment.  It looks like it will not survive in its entirety.

----- Today Government is so deep into our lives that words like "liberty" no longer apply.

----- Recently Barack Obama went before the Supreme Court, telling the judges that the Defense of Marriage Act, passed by Congress, was unconstitutional.

----- In some schools in Florida, they are teaching sex education to Kindergartners.  Is this a good thing?  In my view, it is not!