Saturday, March 16, 2013


Going back to long before the Great Depression, in my opinion, every Republican President except one has been a "Progressive" .  I say this because for a long time I have been researching past Presidential speeches, trying to get a better feel for what they stood for, and where they stood in the world of Progressiveism.  I have been shocked at what I found.

In my opinion, and I am a staunch Conservative,  Ronald Reagan was the only Republican President in all those years who did not slip and reveal that he was a "Progressive" sympathizer, with certain Progressive ideals.  His speeches speak for themselves.

Just what is the deal with Liberal Democrats and "Progressive" Republicans, anyway?  Basically, they all have the same fundamental misconception that our Founding Fathers set up a system that was meant to adapt to a changing world.  They are wrong.  It is the other way around.  They believe in Socialism (the "Collective").

Following are some quotes from some past GOP Presidents and some wannabes.  With some of them, you would think they were Democrats:

Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt :  ". . . and the wealthy man, whomsoever he may be, for whom I have the greatest contempt, I would fight for him, and you would if you were worth your salt."

Greatest contempt for the wealthy man?  Are we sure he was a Republican?  He not only distrusted the rich, he actually seemed to despise them.  He couldn't help but slip in his hatred for the upper class.

More from Teddy:  "Every man holds his property subject to the general right of the community to regulate its use to whatever degree the public welfare may require it."  Notice the term "public welfare."

John McCain :  Loser to Barack Obama four years ago, he has famously said that "Old Teddy Bear" Roosevelt is his political idol.  Well, now.  Maybe it won't take you long to realize what a poor choice he was as the "Republican" nominee.  I love John McCain because he is an American war hero.  I just wish he hadn't gone into politics!

George W. Bush:  When George W. Bush established the Department of Homeland Security, it was about our collective desire to be safe and secure.  When he signed his Medicare Part D (Prescription Drugs) bill, it was in response to our collective obligation to care for our seniors.  It was a massive expansion of government that added billions to our debt.  He gave a quote that seemed to come straight out of the Progressives' handbook:  "Medicare is a great achievement of a compassionate government and it is a basic trust we honor.  Each generation benefits from Medicare.  Each generation has a duty to strengthen Medicare.  And this generation is fulfilling its duty."

Mitt Romney:  Loser to Barack Obama in November of 2012 and the Governor of Massachusetts,
 he installed his version of Socialized Medicine in his state.  It has been proclaimed to be successful.
 Later he would show Barack Obama how to do it nationwide.  Obamacare.  It will be a disaster.  And people wonder why he lost to Obama.